
Premier Financial Ltd tailor pensions to your particular needs, so whether you are young and looking to start saving for retirement, already have a pension and feel it is invested in the wrong place or you or are already retired and looking at your pension options, we will provide a bespoke tailored service for you. We offer a wide range of pension advice for all kinds of clients. We offer a whole-of-market service to all our customers. We charge a fee for our services, so we are not biased towards or against any particular provider. We can arrange to meet with you either in your home in the UK, or at our Nottingham office. Here are some of the pension products we discuss and advise our clients on.

Auto Enrolment Schemes

Auto enrolment schemes ensure that employers enrol you in a pension when you commence your contract of employment, and that they pay into it. This can be useful, as companies sometimes make it difficult for you to apply in the first place.


An annuity is an insurance policy which provides guaranteed income for a set number of years. You buy an annuity with your pension pot – up to 75% – while receiving the other 25% as tax-free cash


A drawdown pension allows withdrawals of up to 25%, tax free, whenever you move money into the pot. As a result, this is a popular choice with people who may needs greater control over and access to their pension funds.


SIPP stands for Self-Invested Personal Pension. This is a more hands-on option than a stakeholder pension, allowing you the freedom to choose your own investments and control the progress of your pension pot through an online platform.

Stakeholder Pensions

A stakeholder pension is a type of personal pension that limits choice. Minimum contributions are flexible, charges are capped and there is a single investment strategy, meaning that this is often a popular choice with those who wish to keep it simple and transparent.

Personal Pensions

If you aren’t in a company pension scheme because it’s either not offered by your company, or because you’re self-employed, you may wish to set up a personal pension. Alternatively, you may wish to set up a personal pension on top of your existing company pension. Either way, this will involve regular payments to a pension provider, who invest your money on your behalf. As a result, it is important that personal pensions are monitored closely.